https://ibkr.com/referral/wenkai694 推薦一個朋友,獲得200美元 每推薦一位朋友開戶即可獲得200美元獎勵,而您的朋友則可免費獲得IBKR的股票!* * By clicking one of the actions above, you acknowledge and agree that: You will not have any involvement with a referred client's IBKR account after the initial referral. Specifically, you agree not to do any of the following: - help set up the referred client's account; - train referred clients to use IBKR's trading platform, solicit or place orders or have any other ongoing involvement in the referred client's trading of their IBKR account; - act as financial advisor or hold power of attorney or discretionary trading authority over a referred client's account; - act as a point of contact between the referred client and IBKR; or distribute advertising or marketing materials about IBKR without IB's written consent. You will not hold yourself out as an employee or agent of IBKR. You will be paid a flat fee Payout of $200 per eligible referral and may refer up to 15 frie...